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broad interests中文

用"broad interests"造句"broad interests" in a sentence"broad interests"怎麼讀


  • 興趣廣泛的


  • Broad interests , and love sports
  • But i also have a broader interest relating to the overall stablity and integrity of the financial system
  • Girls are encouraged to pursue high standards in their academic work , develop broad interests , good study skills and an independent approach to study
  • Likewise he is conscious of the vital potential of our long - established general education programme , which should enable students to develop broad interests , passions and knowledge outside their specialized areas of study
  • In 1983 , after the announcement of finding women ' s script in jiangyong county , hunan province to the world , it was very astonishing and attracted broad interests from many national and international academics , specialists and the media
  • Some of the material , though , is simply not published because there is not the space for it in our regular publications , or because we consider it not of sufficiently broad interest to merit the expense - both to the hkma and the subscriber - of issuing it in hard copy
  • While customization of knoppix isn t a secret , most effort on the project has gone to making the standard installation " bullet - proof . " among the several distinct ways to alter knoppix , the one likely to be of broadest interest is remastering , during which you can substitute your own software for a portion of that on the standard knoppix cd - rom
    盡管knoppix的定制不是秘密,但是對該項目所進行的大多數工作已經使標準安裝具備了“防彈”功能。在幾種截然不同的改變knoppix的方法中,極有可能引起最廣泛興趣的是重新灌錄( remastering ) ,在該過程中,您可以用自己的軟件代替標準knoppix cd - rom上的某一個部分。
用"broad interests"造句  
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